Saturday, 26 July 2008

Final remarks

So I am home already for few weeks. (But actually I just returned from Greece where I was with one Grundtvig project). Croatia and EVS already feels so long time ago.

However I have thought a lot about this experience, was it worth it because all our problems, etc. And one thing I know is, if I would knew all the things that will happen, I would never choose this project. Probably I would choose other country, most probably - EU country with national agency, so all the processes would be much shorter and I would get my Youthpass, which as it turned out in last weeks, is not possible in centralised projects as ours. But that the cost you pay for not wanting to choose easy and better known ways.

Anyway it has been a very good experience - I have learnt a lot about Balkans, about people and about myself. And I have met some really great persons - like Federica and Magdalena (after trip to Austria where we visited Magdalena and we had really great time, we are already planning to meet in Latvia next year on August!) and guys in Osijek (thank you for the very last night! It was sooo great! :) ) Of course it's a great pity that we didn't learn the language - it would be a great plus in my CV in my future carreer, but never mind. Now I have decided to renew my German language knowledge. In Austria I understood that their really, really bad :)

Next week I am starting to work seriously - I will be working in Latvia's Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health "Papardes zieds", where I ahev been volunteer and peer educator until now. And I am also going to apply for Master studies in my old university - feel like studying again! Actually I am little afraid because for a year I have worked only with project type things, so to do something more stable and regular will be a challenge. But it's a good challenge.

Good bye and good luck everybody!
And those who are planning to do EVS - do that! Don't be afraid! Every project and every experience is different. Only don't forget - check, check and double check everything! Don't trust everything you are told, check it! :)

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