On Saturday evening Federica, Italian girl arrived. We will need some time to get used to that we are three, but I think it won't take a long time. She' s really nice. And she does know how to cook pasta, unlike us. If we talk about cooking, I'm sure of nothing.
On Saturday we went out a little for some Croatian food again. I must say, that I really like Croatian cuisine. I ordered something, what in English was called Shepard's Hot Pot (Damjan was really amused about this translation). It turned to be a meat soup. And not a meat soup like we eat it in Latvia - with potatoes, cabbages, carrots, etc. No, it was a meat soup only with meat in it! Fabulous! My brother would definitely love this!

yoyo i was trying to find your blog and i menaged to do it from 1st try... and i see noone passed any comments so i will pass one cliche comment
nice blog... ;D
great! so i'll wait for more comments! ;)
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