Ok, the first weekend in Croatia has passed. Quite ok, actually. On Friday evening we were out for some pivnica - a place with traditional Croatian music and beer. It was nice, lot of socializing with local people, which are really nice. I wanted to make some pictures of the band who was playing, but I didn't wanted to look like a stupid tourist so I didn' t do that. Hopefully there will be some more pivnica in 6 months.
We spent most of the Saturday cleaning the house and going shopping. Some of the guys of the Center asked us to join them for some club at the evening, but we were so tired, that just stayed home and watched some stupid movie. We also did some laundry, the funniest thing about this was that we didn' t know how to turn on the washing machine and we had to call our boss to come and help us with it.
On Sunday we went out to taste some Croatian food.

It was very good actually. Heavy but good. As I'm a meet eater, I think that I' ll like the Balkan cuisine. And at the evening we went to see some puppet show - it was the open exam for one of the guys from the Center, who is studying to become an actor. That was really great! As I have always admired actors and all the things that are related to theater, I really loved that! It so great that you can do so many things from nothing. Some cloth or newspaper, fingers and some imagination - and the play is ready! Great!
Today we are going to start to do some work - some research about how people think in Croatia about things and how do they think in our countries.
My name is Marija and I live in Zagreb. I was just surfing the internet and was a bit surprised to find a person so far away from home to come to our country for 6 months!!!! Why would you do something like that?
Does your friend also write a blog?
What do you do in Osijek?
Is it interesting for you? I have never been there isn't it a small town? Are you bored???
Tell me more about this program why you are here?
Hey, Marija!
You can read a blog of my EVS companion and flat mate Magdalena here: http://magdalenaevs.blogspot.com/
More information about the program European Voluntary work and more chances for the youth at this website: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/index_en.htm
I'm here because I wanted an adventure, a new experience, to understand what I wanna do in my life, etc. And Osijek is a really nice place, as far as I know, the 4th biggest city in Croatia, organization I work for is really interesting and people is just great! So everything is great! ;)
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