Today after a long break we went to the swimming pool again. The way seemed never ending, but good thing that there was spring all around. Green and blooming trees, green grass and flowers - that's like a blessing for my northern soul.
I worked on my application to training in Albania today. It seems that April is going to be a very, very busy month! If everything goes right, we are going to go to three trainings - one in Macedonia, one in Serbia, and one in Albania. This is really great opportunity, but it also will be quite hard, especially two trainings in Serbia and Albania where we will have only one day in between. I also have lots of plans what I would like to do here in the Youth Centre, for example to do some workshops about communication and public relations, and of course, to work on my sexual education project. Really good time planing will be needed! :)
Today we had a great Croatian language lesson with Luka. Me and Federica are planning to go to hairdresser here in Osijek and we wanted Luka to help us to get to know how much is it and so on. Of course, we had to do by ourselves in Croatian, and that was really funny. We were standing outside the hairdresser salon and begging Luka to ask it for us until the lady came out and asked us what would we like to know. And Federica was really great with her Croatian, I wouldn't do so well. So it seems that Friday will be the day when I'll get my haircut a la osječko. :D
After that we went to theater cafe - as Luka said, the most civilised place in the city. It was really nice! With chandeliers, high ceilings and big windows. Topla čokolada was really good there. And we did some grammar of course. For me it's really hard to learn grammar with all those laws and schemes, I have to do something practical, so I'm going to do some translation. And I'm planning to watch news every day, to improve my language skills.
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