I'm back from Denmark! And luckily will be here for some while - till April

14th when we are going to Serbia for the training. Of course, traveling and taking part in different things in different countries is great, but it's also very demanding. In Denmark for a while I felt like - ok, one more strange country, ok, people talk in strange language again, so - nothing has changed! But actually it was quite nice experience - helped me realize once and again that expectations and stereotypes about countries can be wrong. All in all I did lot of things - did some sightseeing, visited Odense and H.C.Andersen museum, participated in some workshops with watercolors, visited Copenhagen, realized that I don't like their habit about eating only sandwiches for lunch, but I like their habit of not putting curtains to their windows, so I could realize my

staring-in-other-people-windows mania and lot of other things. And in Copenhagen we found Croatian Embassy, but didn't found Little Mermaid. An I didn't like the Castle. I prefer that one in Vienna then. And of course, it was snowing there.
And we also had lot of adventures on the way home, because I had to meet my boyfriend in Zagreb airport, but his plane had problems, so he had to return to Riga and he had to go to Minchen instaed of Prague. But finally he got to Zagreb. But then we were late for one train, another train was full, so we had to wait for some more ours till another train. And we had to change trains after three hours to get in one which goes to Osijek.

And we almost got out in wrong stop! So it was fun!
Magdalena and Federica where away for Easter - Federica went back

to Italy and Magdalena went to Serbia, Novi Sad, to visit Nuno. So we had very quite Easter. Especially because the weather was horrible and we had to stay home all the time. But it wasn't bad for the change. Maybe I'm getting old :)
But now it's time to get back to work! I have written down so many things that I have to do... Uuuuh, it's a challenge! :)
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