Monday 4 February 2008

Day 20

Yesterday I saw my first dandelion. And my mom called me and said that it's snowing in Latvia.

My Latvian evening succeeded very well, everybody liked my speka piradzini (bacon pies), kimenu siers (cumin cheese) and dzervenu zefirs (cranberry zephyr). If anybody wants a recipe, please ask! :)

I also tried to teach the guys some Latvian folk songs and one quite popular party dance in Latvia called 'Pastum, pastum, pietupies'. In general - we had fun! :)

On Sunday Magdalena went to the dogs asylum. When she came home and told us, how it was, I was really shocked. 200 dogs are living in asylum which is built for 70 dogs. There is no medicaments for the dogs and not enough money to sterilize them, so they keep on breeding. Magdalena is very willing to continue to go there on Sundays and help the youngsters from the Youth Center who voluntary work there to help poor dogs. I really admire her about this, because although I would like to help, I think that I'm not able to overcome my fears from dogs. But everybody can help the world to become a better place differently. Maybe this is not my way.


Anonymous said...

Latvian night was great!!! And you have good food! And drinks too!

Madara said...

thank you! i'm happy that you liked! :)