Saturday, 26 July 2008
Final remarks
However I have thought a lot about this experience, was it worth it because all our problems, etc. And one thing I know is, if I would knew all the things that will happen, I would never choose this project. Probably I would choose other country, most probably - EU country with national agency, so all the processes would be much shorter and I would get my Youthpass, which as it turned out in last weeks, is not possible in centralised projects as ours. But that the cost you pay for not wanting to choose easy and better known ways.
Anyway it has been a very good experience - I have learnt a lot about Balkans, about people and about myself. And I have met some really great persons - like Federica and Magdalena (after trip to Austria where we visited Magdalena and we had really great time, we are already planning to meet in Latvia next year on August!) and guys in Osijek (thank you for the very last night! It was sooo great! :) ) Of course it's a great pity that we didn't learn the language - it would be a great plus in my CV in my future carreer, but never mind. Now I have decided to renew my German language knowledge. In Austria I understood that their really, really bad :)
Next week I am starting to work seriously - I will be working in Latvia's Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health "Papardes zieds", where I ahev been volunteer and peer educator until now. And I am also going to apply for Master studies in my old university - feel like studying again! Actually I am little afraid because for a year I have worked only with project type things, so to do something more stable and regular will be a challenge. But it's a good challenge.
Good bye and good luck everybody!
And those who are planning to do EVS - do that! Don't be afraid! Every project and every experience is different. Only don't forget - check, check and double check everything! Don't trust everything you are told, check it! :)
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Still hot

...but until now this day has been perfect! Ansis changed my flight home, so I will return in Latvia on 9th of July, and one of my ex-course mates invited me to her wedding in August! Cool! I have never been to wedding!
We have also done a lot for tomorrow presentation about our EVS. Textual part is ready, we just have to finish visual (pictures, pictures, lot of pictures...)

Yesterday it was Croatian Independence Day, so we were not working, actually nobody was working. We tried to find some open shop, but of course, we did not succeed. For me it was a surprise that there in Croatia they did not have a National flag to every house in Independence Day as it is in Latvia. You can call it too much nationalism, but I think it is really nice, it gives a festive and solemn feeling and it makes us to feel prouder about our country. But Croatians are proud of their country anyway :)
So we spent yesterday at Valpovo at Federica's friends. It was great! Although very hot... We had a very, very great meal and we spent a nice, relaxing day. And I will never say that public transport is expensive in Latvia, because for 40 minute travel by bus we paid almost three euro, in Latvia I pay for that less one euro... For the price I paid to go from Osijek to Valpovo in Latvia I would go from my home town Valmiera to capital Riga, which is 100 km or 2.5 hours in the bus.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Such a perfectly hot day...
But we have done a lot today already. Me and Federica we went to Radio Osijek to tell about our experience here in Croatia - what did we do, what are our impressions about the country and the people, and, of course - our photo exhibition.
Yesterday we partly finished to put on the pictures

Yesterday in Latvia it was midsummer's night festival, the most important festival in whole year. I did not thought that it will be so hard for me - to be away at this time of a year. But then my mother sent me sms that it's raining, that she has made traditional cheese, and they had been in the wood for birch-trees to decorate the house and I got soooo depressed! We had a plan for going to

On the weekend we were at Plitvice lakes. That was so great! I had not feet so peaceful and

And Plitvice lakes - it's something fantastic! It is not possible to say how wonderful it is and also pictures does not fully discover their beauty. And we were happy that there was not a very lot of tourists yet. After Plitvice muscles of my legs was so hard and painful I could hardly walk. But never mind, it was worth it, also 14 hour ride from Osijek and back was worth it. I would really like to go back to Plitvice one more time.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Police day

We spent this week working on a booklet about non-formal education activities. We called it 'Playground' and it looks quite good. Unfortunately it is too expensive to print it 'for real', like a real booklet, but probably we will have it printed in color and made with a spiral. We are also working on our photo exhibition - it will

Tomorrow we are going to Plitvice lakes! We have had no touristic adventures during this stay in Croatia, so we want to use the time which is left. Until now only places I have seen in Croatia is Osijek and Zagreb, and I wouldn't say that it gives overall impression about Croatia.
Monday, 16 June 2008
Raspberry day

Magdalena is back from Macedonia! She came back on Saturday. I was at the club Saturday morning, there was LAN, so I had to be there to take money from people, to give out coffee and juice, etc.

On Saturday evening me and Magdalena went to see 'Sex and the City' or 'Sex i Grad' how it' s in Croatian. We were

Anyway, movie was entertaining and we had fun.
Rest of the weekend was rest, peace, walks, football and food. So this week I started new life - with a morning run and without eating after 18.00. Hopefully it will work :)
And now - back to our beautiful energising booklet! :)
Friday, 13 June 2008
Lime trees blooming in Croatia...

Hi, hi, hi! Guess who' s back?
Yap, that' s me! Finally got my resident permit in Croatia and here I am! I am aloud to stay in Croatia until 15th of July. This is my second day in Osijek. It is little bit strange, because I am all alone at home - Magdalena is at mid-term training and Federica still in Italy - coming back next week. But it's so nice to meet all the guys and see that there are also new faces in the club. Just met Mrki - he invited me to his performance tonight. It' s at open air, so I hope it won' t be raining.

Yesterday Croatia won Germany in football. That was a great fest in all the Croatia I think.

I also started to work on the booklet that we are going to make - about energizers, ice-breakers and other activities we have taken part in during all the trainings we have been at. Magdalena has already started to work on it, I am searching for pictures we could put in there and some other additional information.
Monday, 21 April 2008
Day 97
Firstly, we are not in
We left nice and they said that it should not take too long for my residence permit, as I had all the documents needed and even too much – they were quite surprised that I had my birth certificate with me (and in three languages – Latvian, Engl
ish and Croatian of course).
Now everything depends on how long will it take for people in ship was staggering from the waves, I pictured us trying to get out of the ship, but all the gates are closed and water is coming closer and closer. Brrr! J
But of course, nothing happened and I am still alive J and
It is nice to be home. I have been quite busy meeting all the people - friends, family, colleagues, etc. And it does not seems at all that I have been away for three months. Spring is arriving also here. Although it was quite shocking to leave getting better and better. This is one of my favorite seasons – to see how land is getting greener, how burgeons bloom, how birds start to make their nests. And it’s nice to wake up in my bed, see the maple near my window and hear the cranes screaming at the meadows.
Anyway – on 23d I am going to
Monday, 7 April 2008
Day 83

I start to prepare myself to going to training in Fruska Gora, Serbia, next week. Information about the venue and the training sounds really great! I'm really looking forward to it! And there are going to be mountains! I love mountains! It's also going to bequite complicated, because after that we are going to one more training in Albania without coming

This week I have to finish writing my project because we planned to meet one of our partners in Albania, look through the project and put together their part with my part. Lot of work to do :)
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Day 79
Yesterday I spent all day thinking about this f...... visa issue. Also we took Magdalena to doctor - poor girl has lost her voice and she has a terrible cough. Then it turned out that we have some problems with our insurance. Hopefully nothing serious won't happen to one of us, because if it will, it's gonna be a problem. And I also spent some time on our new task - choosing the next EVS volunteers. I read their e-mails, looked through their CV's and cover letters, wrote them answers. Write now I have found one guy I really like. But I still have quite a lot e-mails to look through.
Regarding to all the stuff happening last days I haven't had a time to work on my sexual education project and it's a real pity. I had planned to write the textual part during this week, but to do it, I'll have to work really hard.
By the way - I woke up today with herpe. Again. This is the fifth during my stay here. I usually don't get so many of them even during the whole year. It seems that my immunity really don't like something about this country.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Day 78
I haven't had any crisis since I am in Croatia, but now I feel that I'm really close to one. Damjan is not very happy either.
Any other things seems quite small comparing to these news. Nor my cold, or Magdalena's illness, nor my passport problem. And no motivation to do anything. Why to do something if some stupid bureaucratic law ruins all your plans in one moment?
Monday, 31 March 2008
Day 76

Today I got up with a bird song near my window. So great! And I spent all the morning finding some ways how to solve my passport problem. As I got to know, my passport is valid only till 1st of July, because I have the old version - not biometric passport with no scanned but glued picture. As there is no embassy in Croatia, only a consul, who can't do anything, I have two ways - to go to Latvian Embassy in Prague or go back to Latvia. And guess what - to go to Prague by plane from Zagreb costs almost more than to go from Zagreb to Riga through Prague. I think it's quite ridiculous. But it's probably policy of avio companies. Anyway - it seems that I'm going home at 15th of June!

Friday, 28 March 2008
Day 73

It's so great and sunny day today! I was putting out the laundry to dry today and it was so nice and warm and quite that I felt like in one of those beautiful holidayish summer days, when you feel so much in harmony with nature, weather and yourself.
Yesterday we went to see opening of International Theater festival (forgive me if I'm wrong with the name) were one of our friends - Mrki, is taking part. That was very interesting performance, and although everything

Magdalena and Federika is having some problems about travelling to training in Macedonia. One more reason why I'm happy that I am not going there. I have planned to do so many things next week! Starting of course with my sexual education project which I have to write and then I'm planning to start some Latvian language lessons for those who are interested within next week. That's gonna be fun! :)
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Day 71

I'm back from Denmark! And luckily will be here for some while - till April

And we also had lot of adventures on the way home, because I had to meet my boyfriend in Zagreb airport, but his plane had problems, so he had to return to Riga and he had to go to Minchen instaed of Prague. But finally he got to Zagreb. But then we were late for one train, another train was full, so we had to wait for some more ours till another train. And we had to change trains after three hours to get in one which goes to Osijek.

Magdalena and Federica where away for Easter - Federica went back

But now it's time to get back to work! I have written down so many things that I have to do... Uuuuh, it's a challenge! :)
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Day 58

Today we had a 'meeting' for three of us to decide who is not going to Macedonia, because only two of us can go. As there are really lot of things which I want to do, I voluntary gave up and said that I'm not going :) It will be interesting to be alone for a while :)
Got some rain today and feel little cold now, although sun is shining again. And there's that strange feeling in my head which not allows me think normally. And Doctor Hauss affects me too much, letting to think that something definetely is wrong with my head.
See you later, aligator! :)
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Day 57

Today after a long break we went to the swimming pool again. The way seemed never ending, but good thing that there was spring all around. Green and blooming trees, green grass and flowers - that's like a blessing for my northern soul.
I worked on my application to training in Albania today. It seems that April is going to be a very, very busy month! If everything goes right, we are going to go to three trainings - one in Macedonia, one in Serbia, and one in Albania. This is really great opportunity, but it also will be quite hard, especially two trainings in Serbia and Albania where we will have only one day in between. I also have lots of plans what I would like to do here in the Youth Centre, for example to do some workshops about communication and public relations, and of course, to work on my sexual education project. Really good time planing will be needed! :)
Today we had a great Croatian language lesson with Luka. Me and Federica are planning to go to hairdresser here in Osijek and we wanted Luka to help us to get to know how much is it and so on. Of course, we had to do by ourselves in Croatian, and that was really funny. We were standing outside the hairdresser salon and begging Luka to ask it for us until the lady came out and asked us what would we like to know. And Federica was really great with her Croatian, I wouldn't do so well. So it seems that Friday will be the day when I'll get my haircut a la osječko. :D
After that we went to theater cafe - as Luka said, the most civilised place in the city. It was really nice! With chandeliers, high ceilings and big windows. Topla čokolada was really good there. And we did some grammar of course. For me it's really hard to learn grammar with all those laws and schemes, I have to do something practical, so I'm going to do some translation. And I'm planning to watch news every day, to improve my language skills.
Monday, 10 March 2008
Day 55

What can I say about on-arrival training? Great hotel (huge bed

And of course, there were a lot of evaluation. We had to evaluate everything regarding our EVS aims, expectations, fears, and so on and so on. As we're doing evaluation also here in CnC all the time, it sometimes felt too much. But now I'm really sure what was my purposes for coming here to do the EVS. And I don't think that I'll ever forget it. :) However there were some really nice activities

Anyway one of the best things was coming back to Osijek, which felt almost like coming back home. Of course, there were also some problems waiting for us like peč in Federica's room which broke down two times that day few minutes after it was fixed. Luckily heater in my room works very good (tfu, tfu, tfu, three times I spit over my shoulder) and the nice weather is coming back slowly, although it's quite cold during nights.
What else - for me as a person who has studied PR it always has been interesting to hear people opinions about my public image. Today I discovered some interesting things about myself like: she says too much 'maybe' and she's too silent. What to do - I have always said that I don't like to make decisions and - when everybody's talking, you need somebody who listens, don't you? You can never be perfect for all.
OK, I have to make a wish list what I want to be brought to me from Latvia for my boyfriend who's coming on 20th. That's gonna be fun! :)
Friday, 29 February 2008
Day 45
Sun is shining today and it's really not the right weather for working. I have almost solved all problems regarding our sexual education project (but I still have to get answers from partners and talk with Danijela about everything), but we still have Croatian with Luka today and presentation of our fabulous smoking research!

Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Day 43

On Wednesday all the other participants of CMS arrived, and we had to pick some up at the railway station. At the evening after the dinner (we had very big lunches and dinners all the time during the seminar, this is why now I'm having a fasting) we did one game to get acquainted to other participants better

On Thursday there was official opening with presentations from government. As I have worked as journalist and PR person it was interesting to see how media works here. For example the photographer guy who run in for two minutes, took some pictures and run away again as fast as possible. For my point of view he was not showing lot of respect to our work. But ok, ok, media rules the world.
At the afternoon we had World Caffee - exchanging views and knowledge about Youth in Action programme, and at the evening there was NGO and Country fair. Lots of traditional food, lots of drinks and lots of people and information. That was fun!

On Saturday afternoon we went for the Treasure hunt - a guide tour around the city. Although I am here already for a month there

And at the evening we went to Ruža for traditional dinner. I really like that place. Interior is really great there, so as food. And gypsies where playing some traditional music, and we were singing and trying to dance although there was almost no space for that. It

Sunday was the last day of the Seminar. We continued work on our project ideas and at the afternoon presented them to others. Some really great project ideas arised in this Contact Making Seminar and it would be really great if all of them will be implemented!

Monday I spent together with Valda and Ansis. We went for lunch with Damjan and after that - to Peter Pen, where I had really great and really unhealthy meal (ice cream, hot chocolate and cake). And on Tuesday morning I accompanied them to early morning train 5.25. That was a first time in this country when I woke up so early. I even didn't know that it's possible! :D
And at the evening we had evaluation meeting about CMS. What can I say about that? Oh, these Croats are such a passionate people! Nothing more.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Day 35
Independence of Kosovo is having some impact also on our lives. Number of participants is changing all the time, because people from Serbia, Poland and Austria are canceling their participation. Lots of stress for Damjan and Danijela.
We are also a little worried because of our on-arrival training which is taking place in Belgrade from 3d to 8th of March. I really hope that everything gonna be ok till that time.
We have happily survived the Austrian invasion. 9 people in our house - that was really an

Today we are working on preparation to Contact Making Seminar. We have to prepare info-packages for all the participants.
Yesterday we were folding info leaflets about Youth Centre (those which I made, unfortunately something went wrong and they are a little skew. But I'm very proud anyway.)
And today we did the general cleaning at our house. I did lots of ironing again. I really love to do that! And for lunch I had some boiled potatoes with salt and sour cream. Very simply but what a great taste!